Not too much around these parts except recovering from the aforementioned illness and unsuccessfully attempting to tackle the to-do list. Actually, if I was smart enough to make a physical to-do list instead of the one that floats awkwardly through my mind, it might be more effective. My mom-friends frequently talk about having "mom brain" where they forget everything because there is simply too much to do, and it makes me wonder if there is such thing as "wedding brain." If there is, I have it.
And since I'm sure you don't want to hear about my list, we're having another poll! The rain boot poll was exceptionally fun, so I have another one for you. The question is "What job would you have if you could have ANY job in the world, even if it doesn't exist?"
And to help you understand, let me give you some examples: My job would be to cuddle baby tigers. In my eyes, there is nothing cuter than a baby tiger and I've watched "Growing Up: Baby Tiger" so many times on Animal Planet that I pretty much have it memorized. So if I could do anything, I would be paid to just be surrounded by tiny tigers and play with them all day and give them hugs!
B said his job would be to live in the Rainforest House at the Central Park Zoo. Another friend of ours said he would be a professional "Put You in Your Place"er and he would walk around just putting people in their place. So be creative and tell me what invented job you'd like to have!!
PS - The Office returns on Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I was pregnant with the Liliputian, especially at the end, I would have been in heaven if someone had offered to pay me to sort, fold, organize, and resort, refold, and reorganize all her clothes. All day long. Over and over. I couldn't get enough.
Apart from that, I could happily be paid to make lists. And to cross things off them. Wanna pay me to write down your to-do lists? :)
I want to be paid to make sure that everyone knows how to use the words your and you're and spell them correctly all of the time. After that I want to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. Just kidding. I would realy like Samantha Brown's job on the Travel Channel hosting Great Hotels or Passport to Europe/Central America, or wherever. Or I could be a professional sale finder. As feathernester can testify, I'm really good at saving other people money.
I wanna read everyone's manuscripts and then tell them what I think. There are too many terrible things getting published now. I wanna write letters to authors that say "Your characters are shallow and your plot is boring. Stop wasting my time." ~Alice
oooo...I really like the last one. As for myself, I will take money to travel, not for anyone's benefit or for any particular reason, just to do it. If that is not available, I will also take money to sit by a body of water and bask in the sun, possibly while reading or doing a crossword puzzle.
I'd like to change mine from professional central park zoo tropical bird watcher to professional golf course reviewer. I would travel the world playing golf and writing what I thought of the course. Everything would be paid for of course, and I could bring friends and family for free. All flights would be first class.
I would be a baby elephant washer. This task would include washing baby elephants with a hose and also playing with them in a lake/swimming pool type situation. Also, I will use a scrub-brush and wash behind the elephants flappy ears. Additionally, as part of the baby elephant washing job, it will also be my responsibility to roll a big red ball to the baby elephant and have it roll it back. All day long, washing baby elephants and playing and being the best of friends.
i've been thinking about this all day. i would be paid to have seriously awesome musicians come and play gigs in my backyard where i would sit and drink beer or wine and just chill. i'd be a professional chiller-outer.
in the real world, if i could have any job, i think i'd be a farmer. but a farmer without the financial burden of actually counting on the farm for my livelihood. if not a farmer, i might teach tennessee history. or work for the memphis convention and visitors bureau. or i would have my own cafe. seriously, i could actually do a couple of those...once my kid grows up a bit.
good question. kudos to you, you little tiger nanny.
At first thought, I would be a professional reader. I'd get paid to read whatever books I wanted. I wouldn't have to comment on them, though I might if I wanted to. I would just read, and my employers would find me various comfortable places to do so.
Or I would be a professional traveler like Strongmama said, going from place to place except I'd get to stay as long as I wanted and bring whoever I wanted. I also like her grammar idea, which I sort of get to do now anyway!
If I could have any job other than my current one in real life, I'd be a voice on a famous cartoon. That way I get paid steadily but don't have to deal with the downside of fame, but I could still get into a good restaurant/fly first class. I would do small acting gigs on the side.
This is fun!
Well I would love to have a Samantha Brownish show but not as annoying, mixed in with a celebrity chat session, and be based in nyc so I can go to the theater. Cause you know as a MO I love me some show tunes. Then at night, and in my spare time, I would love to be the owner of a hot night club so I could refuse entrance to Paris, Lindsay, and their kind. I would be all about elegant ladies who don't show their bits and pieces as they get out of the car. So basically I would travel, go to broadway shows, hang with celebs...If I had to give the job one tittle it would be "Super Mo!"
I would get paid to hang out at bars and listen to music. I suppose that is a real job--being an A & R rep at a record company. But I would get paid to find really GOOD music--not the stuff they play on commercial radio. I'd play with babies & puppies part-time, too.
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