Friday, November 20, 2009

Life's Big Questions

I'm learning that there are some central themes to being the parent of a baby and one of the dominating ones is this:

Do I inhale my food now and get to eat it hot, or do I do X, Y, or Z (random but urgent baby-related thing) first and then eat it cold, but slowly and without indigestion??

There is no right answer.


feather nester said...

Wow. See, you're already ahead of me because your quandary suggests that you are actually preparing hot meals and not, instead, subsisting on goldfish crackers, applesauce, and coffee. Though that may have more to do with the presence of a kitchen in your home than your superior mothering skills.

Sarah Berry said...

No worries Feathernester, "hot food" very often means "a microwaved organic bean & cheese burrito" :)

Wonderland said...

You two rock my world.

die Frau said...

Ooh, Amy's burritos? They're awesome. And I have no idea as to the answer to the question, unfortunately!

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