Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Home Grown Tomatoes: Tater Salad

Potato Salad
Home Grown Tomatoes is a weekly Vegan/Vegetarian column written by Giovanina Bucci

I feel like I have discovered the armpit of mother nature. It's a little something called: the wind.  I'm not even kidding.  And I know I talk about the weather a lot and I totally get that you're probably really over that.  But seriously, riding my bike is like this violent experience whereby I just feel all kinds of urges to swear out loud and a lot!  Sometimes I feel like I'm pedaling backwards.  Please hurry summer.  

On a more positive note we were able to break out the grill for the first time since we picked it up at the end of the season last year.  Just an FYI - there's a refrigerator below the grill so the grillers can beer up whenever they need to.  How genius is that?  And by "grilling" this weekend, I mean that we were able to grill outside, sit with hoodies on, wait for the food to be done and then hurry inside to actually eat because imagine this... it was cold and windy.  But alas, the food tasted damn good!  The menu included spicy mango marinated kabobs (recipe to come as soon as I get some pictures!), coleslaw, and tater salad, of course! 

This is yet another recipe whereby I did not do any measuring - forgive me for being a slacker - I'm trying to take life in strides at the moment:)  But for many of you, this is usually a throw together type dish anyway so it's relatively difficult to screw up! 

5 large potatoes
3 large celery stalks, chopped
dill pickles
green onion
Veganaise (even if you're not a vegan, please give this a try - it's always such a hit!)
garlic powder
black pepper
sriracha (optional)
1-2 Tbs. nutritional yeast
paprika for color

Begin by boiling the potatoes until tender.  Let them cool for at least a half hour, longer if possible.  Chop any vegetables that you are adding and combine everything with remaining ingredients.  And, well that's pretty much it.  I know the pickles may sound strange, but they do provide this wonderfully tangy little punch to the whole thing - so go live on the edge! 

I apologize for the delay in getting the post up this morning - it's one of those weeks where life is happening.  And it's happening in a big way, so just hang in there with me :)


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