Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happily Aging

This year I turn 34. Not for quite a while, but it's been the first birthday where I feel all "Thanks, but no thanks" about it. I was ecstatic to turn 30, and haven't really minded or paid attention to any of the three birthdays since. But I'm feeling the pull this year. 34 is basically 35 and 35 is scary.

So I was happy to stumble across this quote in O Magazine that gave me a little perspective:

"People who lie about their age are denying the truth and contributing to a sickness pervading our society - the sickness of wanting to be what you're not. Denial leads to delusion. I know for sure that only by owning who and what you are can you step into the fullness of life."

OK, I don't want to be delusional, so I'll give some thought to Ms. O's take on the whole thing...


feather nester said...

I feel this way occasionally, too, and I just focus on the fact that, the older I get, the better I look in relation to my peers. That also has something to do with everyone in this country leaping into obesity. I live in the third most overweight state after all. In a rural area. It's not all that difficult to feel like the sexiest girl in the room. And yes, I realize how unbelievably shallow, insecure, and vain this whole rationale is, but hey, whatever works, sister. Whatever works. ;)

Strongmama said...

I was going to give you a little comment about how 35 really isn't bad in any way, mind over matter, and I don't even remember 34, but feathernester's comment totally has mine beat!

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