Wednesday, April 16, 2008

BIG Announcement!!

Yes, that’s right; the AnderBerry clan has some big news (no, I’m not pregnant!)… After the wedding, our little family is moving to Music City!!! We’re leaving the cozy, wintery confines of New England and will now be (gasp!!) Southerners.
Why the big life change?? Well, B decided last fall that he so truly hated winter that this winter absolutely had to be his very last. Had to. But we didn’t want to just pick a random city where we didn’t know anyone, and all of our family lives in snow country. So we looked around to see where our various friends lived and came up with some possibilities.
After lots of thinking and talking and research, we started to consider Nashville as a top choice. Despite all of the terrible things that liberal New Englanders think about the South, we found out that Nashville was an exceedingly cool city. It’s liberal, it’s a great size, it continues to be ranked a “Top place to live,” “Top city for young professionals to relocate,” etc.
So we took our recent trip there and fell in love. The city is beautiful, liberal, clean, growing, close to Feather Nester and Ouiser, has 4 seasons, has both mountains and lakes, and on and on. Plus, could there be a better city for a former professional fiddle player to live in??
So now you know the other reason why we’ve been so busy and frantic lately!! We aren’t in a position to move unless B has a job, so he’s been job hunting like mad. My last day at the museum is June 13th, a week before the wedding. The plan, ideally, is that we’ll have the wedding and honeymoon, and I’ll come back and spend the rest of July packing and organizing and then we’ll leave.
I’ll leave you with a USA map so you can find Tennessee and see where it is in relation to everything else. Several people have made comments that they don’t have a good idea of where exactly it is, so in case you feel the same, here’s your map!


Sarah and Media said...

I fully support this decision. I recently visited Nashville and absolutely loved it as well. Travel for ten minutes in any direction in Nashville and you find something different - plus the grass was so unbelievably green it reminded me of the home land.

You might find me planning a move there in the future - but you can definitely count on a visitor.

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die Frau said...

While I have a little jealousy that you all will be so close, I appreciate the fact that you're just saving us money on plane fare with all this "one-stop shopping"! Let me know if I can do anything in terms of moving advice, etc.! Very exciting!

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