Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Buh-Bye Hillary (almost)

Wow - rough day today. It's Board Meeting weekend in a few days and that's a big deal around these parts. And you know what makes it worse? When you look at your blog and see the really strange star-rating system that you never put there! I can't figure out how to remove it for the life of me and it's making me nuts. I've poured through every setting I can find and clicked the Help button, all to no avail. Grrr...

I am somewhat soothed by the political news today. I was really losing hope there for a while, with Clinton claiming she was going to pull out every dirty trick in an attempt to wrestle the nomination away from Obama. I had visions of Bush v. Gore all over again with small ruling bodies determining our electorate.

But alas, yesterday's election has sealed the deal. Even her most ardent supporters have finally come out and said as much. Now she just needs to come to terms with it. I hope she does it soon though because now she's just looking desperate. Even her speeches today looked like she didn't even believe her own words. I want her out so we can all rally behind one person and fight the actual opponent.

Well, it's 8:30pm which means bedtime is just around the corner! I need to be a good sleeper tonight so I can be a good worker tomorrow.

Update - Phew. I figured out the rating thing, the stars are gone. I mean really, when I write posts as riveting and worldly as this, do I need to open myself up to having people rate how interesting they are? That just seems like a bad idea.


Strongmama said...

Oh I really wish she would check her ego at the door and do what's best for the party. It's sad that she just can't do math. Maybe if she could, she'd admit that she can't win and stop "loaning" herself money. Hopefully it will all be over soon.

die Frau said...

That and Bill looks absolutely exhausted and unwell. Give the man a break and let it go gracefully, lady.

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