Friday, September 26, 2008

Celebrating Fall

Did you watch last night?! Loved it - loved every minute of it. Especially loved the most low-key proposal I've ever seen on television. There should be more of those so that all the crazy engagement pressure on men can be eased up a little.

Anyway, on to people who are real and not inside the telly. Everyone is still pretty down around these parts as a result of the job situation. It wouldn't be so bad if B didn't have such a toxic current job, but he does, so that makes the setback a lot worse. Thankfully, it's Friday and we have some fun fall events here in our little town.

We have the Apple Harvest Festival downtown with food and craft vendors, music, events, and lots o' apples! Unfortunately it's supposed to rain all day tomorrow, so that might dampen things a little. We also have the museum gala which I'm really looking forward to since I am now a guest and not the person in charge! What a luxury it will be to eat the food, have some drinks, and leave whenever we want.

But before all that, we have the first presidential debate tonight! In the spirit of having a nice weekend, I'll refrain from commenting on the political shenanigans this week. Hope you all have an equally fall-inspired weekend.


Anonymous said...

On one knee in the rain, so moving. I cried. It was so good. All be it, I was toasted. I did a bottle of wine last night. As you have escaped the Museum, I have not, and have been dealing with a certain donor who is very opinionated. God help me. It might be wise to help with interference tomorrow night...I'll explain more when not on your blog! :)

feather nester said...

Hugs to you and the hub. Have fun at the apple fest! Rain schmain.

Ouiser and I hoping to watch the debate at demo HQ!

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