Friday, September 12, 2008


We're headed up to Plattsburgh this weekend for one of the last trips of our Goodbye New England Tour. We'll be out at camp the entire time, which I swear to god is what heaven must look like. I'm like a little kid at the beach every time we're there - kicking and screaming and throwing tantrums when we have to leave. It's amazing. If you ever visited camp, you would realize why we chose to have our wedding where we did.

But all of that Adirondack beauty doesn't come with cell service, so I'll attempt to mobile blog some pictures, but I'm not sure if it'll work.


 I don't have an inherent problem with Republicans. History has proven that countries are run better when there are various positions that are considered and acted upon. I'm not so arrogant as to presume that my party always has the right answers. I'm against Bush Republicans. And as Paul Begala was saying on The Today Show yesterday - McCain is now a Bush Republican. He wasn't always. As recently as 2003 he really was a maverick and he really was a centrist, and had he won the primary in 2000, I think he could have won with cross-party support. But that is not the McCain that has been involved in politics for the last five years. THAT McCain has voted with Bush 91% of the time, has overturned bills that HE put forth, and has pandered to the extreme right in ways that are frightening. In light of that, here's the video...

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