As I was perusing my celebrity trash blogs today I learned that Facebook actually owns the rights to all of those photos we've been uploading - indefinitely and even if you quit. Am I going to stop? No. Do I really think it matters? No, but there aren't any inappropriate photos of me or my family on there either. Is it wrong just the same? Of course.
Click HERE to read the story.
This is a link to the Facebook blog. Since yesterday, the have changed back to their previous TOS and are looking into how to renegotiate their proposed terms. They make some good points on this blog about why their TOS exist in the first place, and why they have to adapt with the growing population of Facebook users. I think time will tell on this issue. Let's see what they do next.
I have just come to terms with the fact the anything on the internet or computer is practically owned by someone else and will get "borrowed" so if Facebook wants to take a picture of me in a nurse costume and use it, go ahead! If they want to keep my pics forever and ever, go ahead! Just one of the demons of technology that we all have to come to terms with.
Living in my bubble world, i had no idea, so thanks for the post. I also found the recision - I'm assuming the same feathernester posted. My thought was - what about a little kid (teenagers are little kids these days) that is on here, but grows up to be famous, or run for office or tries to be a judge - under those terms, they would have to live with the burden of not being able to control their own pictures, statements. Yes, with the proliferation of the internet, blogs etc - all dirty laundry or childish pranks can come to light, but nonetheless, this was a bit disturbing. Also, they totally should give users the chance to opt out before the new terms start. Hope you three are well!
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