Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring has Sprung

The weather has been especially kind to us here lately - quite unlike that St. Patrick's Day a few years ago that we spent in a horrible blizzard under two feet of snow and ice - so we decided to take advantage of our good luck and head outside. What a simple yet completely sweet experience to see your baby touch grass for the first time!  It was the first time in her life she'd ever had dirt on her tiny fingers and it was so great.

I'm always astonished at how much the sun and warmth can lift your spirits.  Just since the time change I've felt so much more energetic.  And warm.  That second one is just luck though.  Are people in LA just happy all the time?  If not, they have very little excuse.

Today is set to be just as warm so I'm not going to spend any more time on the webs. I'll leave you with a great post by a blogger I like.  It's a great reminder to keep your judgment in check and your kindness high.


Strongmama said...

These new discoveries are the best aren't they? S has had her hands in the grass and in the sand lately. She's also had her hands in the pebbles at the park, but they go straight into her mouth. Enjoy the great weather!

Wonderland said...

It's sunny 300 days out of the year here. And yes, I am significantly happier than when I lived where it was only sunny 30 days out of the year. I can literally feel the sunshine oozing stress out of my body, regularly. I don't take it for granted.

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