Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sleepy time

I'm too tired to give you a real post today.  I stupidly suggested to my sister-in-law a few days ago that we get up before the sun does to hit the gym and she AGREED.  Sometimes sarcasm kicks you in the ass.  So yesterday and today the alarm went off at 5:30am and now I'm counting the minutes until first nap.  First hers, then mine.  After that I'll be counting the minutes until Thursday at 5pm when Charlotte's grandpa arrives from Olympia, WA. 


The sister-in-law said...

Oh it must be nice to be able to take a nap. Maybe my boss won't mind. :)

Strongmama said...

Props to you for getting up early! I tried doing that when J was about 2 and it lasted about 2 months. Even if I'm up at 6 anyway, there's something about being dressed and having my contacts in at that hour that I just can't do on a regular basis!

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